Honoring Senate District 15’s Nonprofit of the Year: Empower & Excel - 7/29/21
Honoring Senate District 15’s Nonprofit of the Year: Empower & Excel - 7/29/21
On Thursday July 29th at 6:00pm, Senator Dave Cortese will be honoring Senate District 15’s Nonprofit of the Year – Empower & Excel!
Empower & Excel has been selected the Senate District 15 Nonprofit of the Year for the great work they are doing in our local community driven by a worthy mission to empower youth to give back to their community through local volunteer initiatives.
Our youth deserve access to local opportunities that allow them to serve the greater good. Since 2015, Empower & Excel has given back to our community through over 70,000 hours of volunteer service conducted here in Santa Clara County and by providing an avenue for our next generation of leaders to reach their full potential in every sector of our society.
Register for the event at www.tinyurl.com/SD15nonprofit and we will see you there!
This is the sixth year of the California Nonprofit of the Year initiative, and with nonprofits doing more than ever to help their communities weather this COVID-19 crisis, their work should rightfully be celebrated.
The event will be live-streamed and made available for later viewing through Senator Cortese’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/davecortesegov and his website at https://sd15.senate.ca.gov. Closed captioning options will be made available through the livestream on his Facebook page and website.