Governor Signs Senator Cortese's Bill Protecting Public School Teachers
The Governor has approved legislation by Senator Dave Cortese that protects the monthly benefits of retired teachers, SB 432.
“Caring for California’s students means taking care of all the people who work at our public schools,” said Senator Cortese (D-San Jose). “Governor Newsom recognizes the importance of ensuring that retired teachers are not penalized through no fault of their own; this legislation will bolster the teaching profession during a time when it's needed most.”
“By signing SB 432, the Governor has shown his commitment to retired educators who have dedicated their lives to serving the students of California,” said David Goldberg, President of the California Teachers Association (CTA). “These hardworking public servants should not be penalized for mistakes in reporting made by their employer, and depend on a secure retirement and thoughtful planning. We believe every worker deserves a secure retirement and thank Senator Cortese for his leadership.”
“This important legislation will further California’s goal of protecting our retired teachers from mistakes they did not make,” said Suzie Dixon, California Retired Teachers Association (CalRTA) President.
Mistakes made by the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) can put retired teachers' retirement at risk. For instance, if CalSTRS identifies an overpayment it is responsible for, a retired teacher might face a penalty, reducing their monthly benefits. SB 432 ensures that retired teachers will be informed about these errors, and the bill shields their monthly retirement payments from penalties when the mistake is not their fault.
Senator Dave Cortese represents Senate District 15, which encompasses San Jose and much of Santa Clara County in the heart of Silicon Valley. Visit Senator Cortese’s website: