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Senator Cortese serves in the Senate Democratic Leadership:
- Majority Whip, responsible for monitoring legislation and securing votes for legislation on the floor.
Senator Cortese serves on the following Senate committees:
- Senate Transportation Committee, Chair
- Senate Ethics Committee
- Senate Agriculture Committee
- Senate Education Committee
- Senate Housing Committee
- Senate Insurance Committee
- Senate Labor, Public Employment and Retirement Committee
- Joint Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture
- Joint Committee on Rules
- Joint Legislative Audit Committee
- Joint Legislative Committee on Emergency Management
- State School Building Finance Committee
Senator Cortese serves on the following select committees:
- Senate Select Committee on Mental Health and Addiction
- Senate Select Committee on Student Success
- Senate Select Committee on Bay Area Transit
- Senate Select Committee on Hydrogen
Senator Cortese is a member of the following caucuses:
- Co-Chair, Outdoor Sporting Caucus
- Technology and Innovation Caucus
- Bay Area Caucus
- Mental Health Caucus
- Democratic Caucus
- California Native American Legislative Caucus
- Mental Health and Addiction Caucus
- End Poverty Caucus
Senator Cortese is a member of the following commissions and forums:
- California Transportation Commission
- Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission
- Co-Chair, California-Japan Legislative Forum