Happening Friday: Press Conference for Senator Cortese’s SB 915: Local Governance for Driverless Vehicles

WHAT: State Senator Dave Cortese (D-San Jose) will attend a press conference on his SB 915 in Los Angeles with elected and union leaders from across California. Senator Cortese’s SB 915 empowers local governments to protect the public by governing autonomous vehicles. 


  • State Senator Dave Cortese, Senate District 15
  • Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger, County District 5
  • Chris Griswold, Teamsters International Vice President At-Large and President of Teamsters Joint Council 42 
  • Lindsay Dougherty, Teamsters Western Region International Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer of Local 399
  • Jason Rabinowitz, President of Teamsters Joint Council 7
  • Lorena Gonzalez, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of California Labor Federation
  • Yvonne Wheeler, President of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor
  • Brian K. Rice, President of the California Professional Firefighters Association
  • Estuardo Mazariegos, Lead Organizer at Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment
  • Quentin Booker, Sanitation Truck Driver with the City of San Francisco and Member of Teamsters Local 350

WHEN: Friday, February 2, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

WHERE: Los Angeles City Hall (front steps), 200 N Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90012

RSVP: We ask that media RSVP to allen.young@sen.ca.gov. The event will be livestreamed on the Teamster’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/teamsters

Background on SB 915, The Autonomous Vehicle Service Deployment and Data Transparency Act (Cortese): Autonomous vehicles in California operate in various cities without any input or influence from local governments, which have always regulated local traffic. Driverless vehicles have run through red lights, obstructed emergency responders, and veered into construction zones, and even caused severe human injury. SB 915 helps ensure public safety by granting local governments the authority to allow and govern these driverless vehicle services in their communities. More information here.
