Sen. Cortese's Statement on CA Assembly Appropriations Committee Approving his SB 1162 - Enforcement of Skilled Workforce Standards
SAN JOSE, CA – Senator Dave Cortese (D-San Jose) issued the following statement regarding his Senate Bill 1162 (SB 1162) being approved by the California Assembly Appropriations Committee moving it out of the Suspense File and onto the Assembly Floor for a vote.
SB 1162 aims to reinforce the enforcement of skilled and trained workforce standards on public projects within California, which aligns with the state's ambitious infrastructure objectives. SB 1162 supports the creation of high-quality, family-supporting jobs. It prepares California's workforce to meet future demands.
“This bill is about transparency, accountability, and ensuring that California's workforce is equipped to meet the demands of the future,” said Senator Cortese. “With SB 1162, we ensure our workforce is skilled, trained, and fairly compensated. It’s critical to build infrastructure projects on time and on budget. But our work doesn’t stop there — our workforce must similarly be built up and ready for any challenge. I thank my Assembly colleagues on the Appropriations Committee for approving my Senate Bill 1162.”
Senator Dave Cortese represents Senate District 15, which encompasses San Jose and much of Santa Clara County in the heart of Silicon Valley. Visit Senator Cortese’s website: