Sen. Cortese's Statement on SB 636 - Workers' Compensation Utilization Review - Advances to Governor's Desk

SAN JOSE, CA – Senator Dave Cortese (D-San Jose) issued the following statement regarding his Senate Bill 636 (SB 636) advancing to the Governor’s desk for signing and adoption.

"My Senate Bill 636 will safeguard the due process rights of workers injured on the job. If an insurance company harms a worker by modifying or denying their care, this bill ensures that the reviewer responsible can be held accountable to our state’s licensure requirements," said Senator Cortese. “This will give California workers access to the medical treatment they deserve. Ultimately, this is about regulatory oversight of medical professionals performing utilization review.”

SB 636 would ensure that the Medical Board of California can discipline medical professionals performing utilization review if they violate practice standards. If adopted, the bill would go into effect on July 1st, 2026.

Utilization review is an insurance company’s use of a medical professional to review then approve, modify, or deny treatment recommendations by the doctor who interviewed or examined the patient. This review is based on what the insurance company considers to be medically necessary.

Senator Dave Cortese represents Senate District 15, which encompasses San Jose and much of Santa Clara County in the heart of Silicon Valley. Visit Senator Cortese’s website:
