Senator Cortese's Statement on the Governor’s Proposed 2024-25 State Budget
Senator Dave Cortese (D-San Jose) made the following statement in response to California Governor Gavin Newsom’s proposed 2024-25 State Budget:
“In the coming fiscal year, our Legislature faces the significant challenge of addressing a projected budget deficit of at least $37.86 billion. I commend Governor Gavin Newsom for his prudent and carefully crafted initial budget proposal. The State Senate will work to ensure that we continue to uphold and protect the vital resources and programs that are essential for so many Californians.
Last year, despite a challenging budget picture, the Legislature balanced the State Budget while protecting crucial investments. As we approach the 2024-25 fiscal year, we are committed to replicating this successful approach for the benefit of all Californians.
I am encouraged to see Governor Newsom's proposed State Budget shares our collective commitment to sustainable, long-term investments for Californians with the greatest need, particularly younger Californians with the highest potential to transform their lives. The Governor proposes to maintain $3.4 billion toward addressing homelessness in 2023-24 while also maintaining $1.1 billion for Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention (HHAP) grants to help local communities prevent and address homelessness. The Governor’s proposed budget also increases state funding for Homeless Education Technical Assistance Centers, which help identify students experiencing homelessness so they can receive greater support. The proposed budget would also increase annual funding for Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative Wellness Coaches, which primarily serve at-risk youth as part of a school-linked care team.
These investments will help prevent California’s youth from descending into the destructive cycle of homelessness and its associated societal costs. In line with this vision, my Senate Bill 333 — which provides targeted monthly financial support to homeless students pursuing higher education or career paths — represents a strategic investment with the potential to realize significant long-term savings for our state.”
Senator Dave Cortese represents Senate District 15, which encompasses San Jose and much of Santa Clara County in the heart of Silicon Valley. Visit Senator Cortese’s website: