Senator Dave Cortese Co-authors Groundbreaking Agreement Between California Labor Federation and California Chamber of Commerce on Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) Reform

As a fierce advocate for workers' rights and safe working conditions, the author of many workplace safety bills, and a member of the Senate Committee on Labor, Senator Dave Cortese is proud to announce his co-authorship of the groundbreaking agreement reached between the California Labor Federation and the California Chamber of Commerce to reform the Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA). This agreement provides employers more opportunities to address problems in their practices while still creating new penalties for those who commit egregious claims. 

"This historic agreement is a testament to the power of collaboration. By working together, we have created a solution that not only safeguards workers' rights but also supports responsible and ethical employers who are working to comply with labor laws," said Senator Cortese. "What's more, for those acting in bad faith, this agreement ensures justice. We have struck a healthy balance."

Senator Dave Cortese represents Senate District 15, which encompasses San Jose and much of Santa Clara County in the heart of Silicon Valley. Visit Senator Cortese’s website: