Sen. Cortese's Statement on CA Assembly Appropriations Committee Approving His SB 1015 - Addressing Nursing Workforce Needs
SAN JOSE, CA – Senator Dave Cortese (D-San Jose) issued the following statement regarding his Senate Bill 1015 (SB 1015) being approved by the California Assembly Appropriations Committee moving it out of the Suspense File and onto the Assembly Floor for a vote.
SB 1015, if signed into law, would require the Board of Registered Nurses (BRN) to provide an annual report to the Legislature on clinical nursing placement management and coordination. Overall, this bill aims to address the nursing workforce shortage.
“As California’s population ages and becomes increasingly more diverse, we will need a qualified and experienced nursing workforce to meet the unique demands and varied needs of all patients. That is why we must have appropriate nurse staffing levels which have proven to reduce mortality rates, reduce hospital length of stays, and reduce the number of preventable events such as falls and infections,” said Senator Cortese. “SB 1015 ensures we meet the nursing demands of today and tomorrow head on. I thank my Assembly colleagues on the Appropriations Committee for remaining steadfast in our collective commitment to providing compassionate and timely medical care to residents.”
Senator Dave Cortese represents Senate District 15, which encompasses San Jose and much of Santa Clara County in the heart of Silicon Valley. Visit Senator Cortese’s website: