Senator Cortese’s Statement on Passage of 2022-23 State Budget Act

Senator Cortese (D-San Jose) made the following statement about the Legislature’s 2022-23 State Budget Bill that was passed by the Legislature earlier today.

During an historic surplus, I believe that the Legislature has met this moment and this incredible opportunity to truly provide stability to our children, families, older adults, and small businesses that are recovering from a time of such instability. With this budget, we have gone back to basics to ensure Californian’s have access to their essential needs: housing and rental assistance, utility cost relief, healthcare, active transportation, a quality education, and a path to higher learning. When so many of us face uncertainty around our financial future, a challenge that is only intensified by the rising threat of inflation, the State Legislature has passed a budget that will ensure economic strength and stability, even in our tighter budget years ahead.”  

Please refer to SB/AB 154 for details.

For more information, contact Tara Sreekrishnan, Office of Senator Dave Cortese at 408 480 7833 or