Press Releases

State Senator Dave Cortese (D-San Jose) announced legislation today that will bring greater transparency to government communications for journalists and the public. SB 908 mandates the swift transfer of text messages and emails by elected officials and public employees to official channels, making them discoverable upon requests for public records.

El Senador Cortese dio a conocer hoy la Ley de Protección de Sobrevivientes, un proyecto de ley innovador que ayudará a garantizar la seguridad de los sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica y sexual, independientemente de dónde vivan. California es uno de los 36 estados donde los tribunales a menudo deniegan solicitudes de órdenes de restricción por violencia sexual o doméstica simplemente porque el sobreviviente o el perpetrador no es residente del estado.

Senator Cortese today unveiled the Survivor's Protection Act, a groundbreaking bill that will help ensure the safety of survivors of domestic and sexual violence, regardless of where they live. California is one of 36 states where courts often deny petitions for restraining orders for sexual or domestic violence simply because the survivor or the perpetrator is not a state resident.


Tara Sreekrishnan

Office of Senator Dave Cortese | District 15

Today, Senator Dave Cortese joined with leaders in special education to launch the “Corazon Care” Advisory Board, with a mission to create a new “Corazon Care” Campus in Santa Clara County that will provide a safe and inclusive recreational space for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).