Press Releases

The California Legislature passed Senator Cortese’s Senate Bill (SB) 553 today, a bill to protect workers from workplace violence. SB 553 requires employers to develop their own workplace violence prevention plans as part of their Cal/OSHA Injury Illness Prevention Plans. Employees must be informed of these plans and prepare accordingly. The Senate passed the bill on a concurrence vote on Tuesday and the bill advances to the Governor for his signature.

The California Legislature has passed a bill by Senator Dave Cortese to secure a statewide bargaining agreement for minor league baseball players. Senate Bill (SB) 332 ensures a historic collective bargaining agreement for minor league baseball, guaranteeing better wages and benefits for California’s 362 minor league players, such as housing, health care, and compensation, including in the regular season, Spring Training and the off-season.

State Senator Dave Cortese (D-San Jose) joined Santa Clara County Sheriff Robert Jonsen on Sunday to mark the 22nd anniversary of the tragic events of 9/11 with a solemn Day of Remembrance ceremony and reception. The ceremony honored and commemorated the 9/11 first responders, victims, and their surviving families.

The California Legislature passed Senator Cortese’s legislation on Friday that empowers veterinarians to delegate limited and specific tasks to registered veterinarian technicians to better serve Californians with their pets. The State Senate passed Senate Bill (SB) 669 on a concurrence vote Friday and the legislation advances to the Governor.

The California Legislature has passed a bipartisan bill by Senator Dave Cortese to protect California communities from hazardous industrial pollution while securing high-quality, good-paying jobs in emerging sustainable industries.